Comprehensive Screening Package


While the standard package access your wellbeing, the comprehensive screening provides more insight into your state of health as it comes with more detailed query into your body system. This screening package includes:


While the standard package access your wellbeing, the comprehensive screening provides more insight into your state of health as it comes with more detailed query into your body system.

Liver Function

  1. Bilirubin (Direct and Total)
  2. Alkaline Phosphatase
  3. SGOT (AST)
  4. SGPT (ALT)
  5. Ammonia


  1. HbA1C
  2. Fasting Blood Sugar

Kidney Function

  1. Urea
  2. Electrolytes
  3. Creatinine
  4. Urinalysis
  5. Uric Acid
  6. Calcium
  7. Phosphorus


  1. Full Blood count
  2. ESR
  3. Blood Group and genotype

Lipid Profile

  1. Total Cholesterol
  2. HDL Cholesterol
  3. LDL Cholesterol
  4. Triglycerides (TGL)

Thyroid Screening

  1. FT3
  2. FT4


  1. BMI
  2. Blood Pressure Check
  3. CK-MB
  4. D- Dimer
  5. Myoglobin

Gastro-Intestinal Tract

  1. Stool Routine Examination
  2. Stool Culture


  1. AFB/ZN Screen


  1. PT
  2. INR.
  3. aPTT

Cancer Screening

  1. Free PSA
  2. Pap Smear.



Comprehensive Screening Package
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