Advanced Screening Package


With higher test panels and more detailed examination for each panels, our Advanced Screening package provides deep insight into the state of your health.

With higher test panels and more detailed examination for each panels, our Advanced Screening package provides deep insight into the state of your health.

Liver Function

  1. Bilirubin (Direct and Total)
  2. Total Protein
  3.  Alkaline Phosphatase
  4. SGOT (AST)
  5.  SGPT (ALT)
  6.  Ammonia
  7. G6PD
  8. Gamma Glutamyl Transferase


  1. HbA1C
  2. Fasting Blood Sugar
  3. Random Blood Sugar
  4. Post Prandial Blood Sugar

Kidney Function

  1. Urea
  2. Electrolytes
  3. Creatinine
  4. Creatinine (SPOT URINE)
  5. Creatinine 24hrs Urine
  6. Creatinine clerance
  7. Creatinine/Albumin ratio
  8. Urinalysis
  9. Urine M/C/S
  10. Urine Microalbumin
  11. Calcium
  12. Uric acid


  1. Full Blood count
  2. ESR
  3. G6PD
  4. Blood Group and genotype

Lipid Profile

  1. Total Cholesterol
  2. HDL Cholesterol
  3. LDL Cholesterol
  4. Triglycerides (TGL)

Thyroid Screening

  1. FT3
  2. FT4
  3. T3
  4. T4
  5. TSH


  1. BMI
  2. Blood Pressure Check
  3. Troponin T
  4. Troponin I
  5. CK-MB
  6. D-Dimer
  7. NT-proBNP
  8. Myoglobin

Gastro-Intestinal Tract

  1. Stool Routine Examination
  2. Stool Culture
  3. Stool Occult Blood
  4. Helicobacter pylori (Stool/Serum)


  1. AFB/ZN Screen.
  2. Gene Xpert


  1. PT
  2. aPTTK
  3. PTT
  4. TT

Cancer Screening

  1. Free PSA
  2. Alpha- fetoprotein.
  3. CA-125 TestPap Smear
Advanced Screening Package
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